Our Texas parole attorneys field questions every day from family members whose loved ones are eligible for parole or whose loved ones have been accused of committing crimes. See if your question is addressed here. Topics include parole, probation, and criminal defense.
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Do I have to go to court in Harris County to have my criminal history sealed.
Can I expunge or seal a Theft from Houston?
What is considered a Deadly Weapon in Texas?
What can happen if I fail a drug test for marijuana while on parole in Texas?
What should I do if I was arrested for Trespass in Houston?
What happens if the Texas Parole Board votes to deny my parole?
What should I do if I think there's a warrant for my arrest in Brazoria County?
What can be expunged from my Texas Criminal history
In Texas how long does parole last?
Where can I find Texas Parole Laws?
What is Docket Call? A Harris County Criminal Defense Attorney Explains
What is criminal mischief? A Houston criminal defense attorney explains
What should I do if my son, a juvenile, was arrested in Houston? A juvenile criminal defense attorney answers
What is a class b misdemeanor? A Houston criminal defense attorney explains
I was arrested in Houston for trespass, what does that mean? A Harris County criminal defense lawyer explains
My juvenile child was arrested in Houston how can I get them out of jail? An experienced Harris County Juvenile Defense Attorney explains.
My child was arrested in Houston, do I need to hire Houston Juvenile defense attorney?
On parole in Texas, am I getting credit towards my parole or sentence once a warrant is out?